Jedi Engineering
Monday, July 10 – Friday, July 14, 2017
Ages 5-7 / Grades K-2
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Members: $180 | Non-members: $195
The Force Awakens in this introductory engineering course for young Jedi! Explore engineering principles by designing and building projects such as LEGO® X-Wings, R2 Units, Energy Catapults, Defense Turrets, and Settlements from a galaxy far, far away. Create motorized and architectural projects with imagination and engineering to defeat the Empire! This program is offered in collaboration with Play-Well TEKnologies.
Minecraft Flix
Monday, July 24 – Friday, July 28, 2017
Ages 7 – 11
1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Members: $205 | Non-members: $220
Lunchtime Supervision is Included
You love Minecraft! Let your imagination be your guide as you turn the popular video game into an exciting Minecraft movie. Using stop-motion animation you will bring Steve, the creepers, animals and more to life. Students will write, storyboard, shoot and add voice-over in age-appropriate groups. All flix are downloadable within a month after the program ends. This program is provided in collaboration with Incrediflix.