Museum Hours – Museum Galleries & Gift Shop: 
Sundays: Noon – 4:00 p.m.
Mondays: CLOSED
Tuesdays – Saturdays: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


Summer Camp Registration Now Open – Learn more>>

Major Gift Campaigns

Wenham Museum Major Gift Development and Fundraising is Underway

The efforts listed below provide future stability with new, evolving museum offerings and experiences.
**These initiatives are independent of and not supported by Annual Fund 2016-2017 donations.**

Current Campaigns

Today’s Wenham Museum Daily Visitor

  • The museum has connected deeply and consistently with young families by providing interactive children’s history exhibits and programs.
  • This connection has improved museum visitation with exhibits like LEGOs at
  • Large and grown public participation in events like the Wenham Day Family Festival and Artisan Fair.
  • The museum’s model trains provide an important cornerstone of the museum experience for young families.
  • A foundation built on children’s history is being strengthened and will be integrated with the new initiatives described below.

Ann & Dale Fowler – Fowler Toy Collection

  • Received a $25,000 feasibility gift for a capital/endowment campaign. Planning is underway.
  • Mr. Fowler owns a one-of-a-kind toy collection that could become part of the Wenham Museum’s permanent collection.
  • The Fowler Toy Collection would complement the museum’s current collections, support the mission, and serve our multi-generational audience.

Equestrian Community

  • Received a $25,000 feasibility gift to explore creating an all-new gallery space on the museum’s first floor to hold an equestrian exhibit.
  • A renovated, flexible, and modern 1,200 sq. ft. gallery space would support a rotating exhibit schedule including equestrian history and other topics.
  • The contemplated equestrian exhibit would explore local equestrian history in a hands-on and immersive way for equestrians and non-riders alike.
  • The exhibit would explore themes such as the horse in sport, agriculture, and industry; land preservation driven by the equestrian community; and, military history connections to the cavalry.

Military History

  • Successful pilot programs in 2015-2016 connected local history from the Revolutionary War to the present, informing values such as patriotic service, commitment, and citizenship.
  • These new programs generated local and regional attention for the museum with veteran’s groups, the U.S. Armed Forces, and corporate supporters.
  • Military history programs have generated over 500 new visitors to the museum in 2016.


All of the above initiatives will be supported by endowment contributions that will sustainably maintain these offerings for the future.

Learn More & Join the Campaign 

If you are interested in learning more about the above initiatives or if you would like to make a gift, please contact:

Kristin Z. Noon, Executive Director
kristin.noon [at]
(978) 468-2377, ext. 102

Peter G. Gwinn, Director of External Affairs
peter.gwinn [at]
(978) 468-2377, ext. 126

Annual Fund 

While the above major gift campaigns are underway, your donation to the Annual Fund remains more important than ever.  

Your Annual Fund Donation helps the museum remain open each day, as is, without reductions in critical operations through June 30, 2017. Your donation funds daily operations such as exhibit and educational program supplies and heat and light. Your support of the Annual Fund gives the major gift initiatives listed above time to grow and secure the museum’s future.

Donate to the Annual Fund Today >>