Museum Hours – Museum Galleries & Gift Shop

Sundays: Noon – 4:00 p.m. │ Mondays: CLOSED │ Tuesdays – Saturdays: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


Register Now for Summer Camp Learn more>>

Now Accepting Donations for the Spring & Summer Sports Sale Learn more>>

Best Practices

Our Strategic Plan 

museum-thumbDiscover What the Future Holds

To review a copy of the Wenham Museum’s Strategic Plan, you may download it at the link below.  The Wenham Museum welcomes your thoughts, advice, ideas, and your support regarding its Strategic Plan.

Vision 2020: Wenham Museum’s 2017-2022 Strategic Plan





Wenham Museum Committed to Best Practices

The Wenham Museum was proudly accredited by the American Alliance of Museums (AAM) until March 2020.

The Wenham Museum continues to adhere to best practices in ethics, collections management, education, exhibit design, financial stewardship, and strategic planning.   Supporting these high standards requires dedicated commitment from the museum’s Board of Trustees, staff, volunteers, and donors.





guidestar-silverRecognized by Guidestar for TRANSPARENCY

The museum has also earned the GuideStar Exchange Silver participation level, a leading symbol of transparency and accountability provided by GuideStar USA, Inc., the premier source of nonprofit information. This level demonstrates the Wenham Museum’s commitment to nonprofit transparency and accountability.

Review the Wenham Museum’s profile on GuideStar.